10 Ideas for Real Estate Agents: What to Send to My Email List


Here are some quick ideas to keep in consistent contact with your valuable database of past clients, potential clients, and referral sources that you've worked hard to build, all while keeping it fresh and non-salesy.

Choose and combine the ones that best match you and your audience, and make a plan to customize and create them this week.

Remember: Video email is a fantastic way to increase opens and responses.

1. Reconnect email:  A quick, conversational email to apologize for not keeping in better contact. Ask about them, give them a simple update on you. Let them know they'll be hearing from you more often.

2. Answer Questions: Choose questions that you are asked over and over again, and answer them in an interesting, conversational style. Invite your contacts to send you their questions.

3. Offer value: A market update in layman's terms, with interesting pictures and data examples of a couple of recently sold properties. Point out the good and the bad using your real estate expertise.

4. Local activities and events: Create an attractive pdf printable to include.

5. Speaking of local, be a fantastic local resource. Try sending the top 5 places for a round of golf, your favorite lunch/dinner restaurants, best place for a cup of coffee, etc.

6. Tips specific to your real estate knowledge and your market. A video series is fantastic. What are home buyers most looking for right now? How fast is the offer process happening? Are sellers receiving multiple offers? Show them your knowledge and expertise without saying it.

7. Highlight local real estate news, new building areas, up-and-coming communities, new businesses or parks.

8. An invitation: Everyone loves them. Think coffee date, client appreciation BBQ or picnic, or an invitation to join you at a volunteer event.

9. I saved the best for (almost) last: A behind-the-scenes tease, HGTV style. This is a fantastic way to promote coming soon properties, make your email list feel like they are being let in on something before the rest of the world knows, and has a high-interest factor. Also, it's a great way to get them to connect with you on social media for the follow-up and full info at a later date.

10. It's a little more involved, but if you do this a couple times a year, your list will always look forward to an email from you in their inbox! A freebie offer through the mail. Buy a stack of bulk gift certificates from Amazon, Starbucks, the local car wash or bagel shop (or whatever is the hottest thing for your area and audience), or even theme it after your own favorite things. Offer the freebie to the first X-number of people to respond with their mailing address. After you've run out, make sure you still mail something to anyone that responded, thanking them for their response and a “maybe next time” message. Every person that responded with an address gets something mailed to them: your custom flyer, brochure, market analysis - whatever you choose, along with several business cards to share with friends and family.

P.S. Always use a P.S.! It's where you put the most important or call-to-action info.

P.P.S. - Keep emails quick and to the point, with lots of white space for easy reading.

P.P.P.S. - Take note of your send days and times - think evenings or weekends. Change it up, and test it so you find the best time for your audience.

Lastly, if you've found this article helpful and would like more support with creating, writing, and designing your emails, managing your contact lists, scheduling and sending your campaigns consistently, and monitoring the results, send me a message and let's chat!

Take it to the next level of real estate marketing, without taking up all your time!

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- Amanda Behm, Real Estate Digital Assistant -Copyright 2018