listings management

Getting bogged down in the data entry, multiple websites, pictures and virtual tours, but still need your listings to shine? We'll go the extra mile to impress your sellers and attract buyers. 

  • MLS data entry, photo and document uploads
  • Write compelling listing descriptions
  • Research and write detailed property directions
  • Virtual Tour Creation
  • Create Custom Property Flyers & Landing Pages
  • HTML enhanced Craigslist posts
  • Data entry & setup of key codes, text codes, QR codes
  • Posting Open House Information
  • Syndicated Listings Enchancement (Zillow, Realtor, etc.)
  • Stale Listing Refresh
  • Seller Reports + more!



Important Note: I am not a licensed agent or licensed assistant. Please speak with your broker if you are unsure of which tasks may be performed by an unlicensed assistant in your state.



<< Schedule a Call with me for your free custom quote.


Listing Management Services
Each client's needs are very specific depending on the property, the brokerage, syndicated sites, systems, and other factors. Please contact me for a custom quote.

(There is an additional fee for rushed listing management services that are requested with less than 24 hours notice.)